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                  Extended ASCII Characters for Line Drawing

         218   196  194   191                201   205   203    187
           +---------------+                    +----------------+
       179 |     197 |     | 179            186 |     206 |      |
           |       \ |     |                    |       \ |      |
       195 |---------+-----| 180            204 |---------+------|
           |         |     |                    |         |      |
           +---------------+                    +----------------+
         192  196   193   217                200         202    188

         213   205  209   184                214   196   203    187
           +---------------+                    +----------------+
       179 |     216 |     | 179            186 |     215 |      | 186
           |       \ |     |                    |       \ |      |
       198 ----------+-----| 181            199 ----------+------| 182
           |         |     |                    |         |      |
           +---------------+                    +----------------+
         212  205   207   190                211    196  208    189

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson